The goal of this group is to educate our community as regards the effects of idle emissions and help folks find ways to lower their health risks and those of their children. Any vehicle with a carbon-based engine that idles for longer than 10 seconds without moving creates needless CO2 and puts extra wear and tear on the vehicle.

This group is also working to educate the Mayors and Cities Councils in San Diego County about the dangers of Idling in hopes they will pass an anti-idling ordinance. The group is is in the process of writing a proposed ordinance and adapting it for local cities.

At first, the group will be working with community, and PTA or PTO groups.

The secondary goal of this group is to create new avenues for full CRP presentations.


  • 15 Min Presentation on the destructive nature of idling

  • Proposed Anti Idling Ordinance

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